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Как добавить градиент для окна в tkinter - Python 3

from tkinter import Canvas
from tkinter import Tk
from typing import Any

class Gradient_frame(Canvas):
__tag = "GradientFrame"
__hex_format = "#%04x%04x%04x"

top2bottom = 1
left2right = 2

def __init__(self, parent, colors=("red", "black"), direction=left2right, **kw):
kw["height"] = kw.get("height", 200)
kw["width"] = kw.get("width", 200)

super().__init__(parent, **kw)

self.__geometry = [kw["width"], kw["height"]]
self.__colors = colors
self.__direction = direction


def __draw_gradient(self):

limit = self.__geometry[0] if self.__direction == self.left2right else self.__geometry[1]

red1, green1, blue1 = self.winfo_rgb(self.__colors[0])
red2, green2, blue2 = self.winfo_rgb(self.__colors[1])

r_ratio = (red2 - red1) / limit
g_ratio = (green2 - green1) / limit
b_ratio = (blue2 - blue1) / limit

for pixel in range(limit):
red = int(red1 + (r_ratio * pixel))
green = int(green1 + (g_ratio * pixel))
blue = int(blue1 + (b_ratio * pixel))

color: str = self.__hex_format % (red, green, blue)

x1 = pixel if self.__direction == self.left2right else 0
y1 = 0 if self.__direction == self.left2right else pixel
x2: int | Any = pixel if self.__direction == self.left2right else self.__geometry[0]
y2 = self.__geometry[1] if self.__direction == self.left2right else pixel
self.create_line(x1, y1, x2, y2, tag=self.__tag, fill=color)

def config(self, cnf=None, **kw):
if "colors" in kw and len(kw["colors"]) > 1:
self.__colors = kw.pop("colors")

if "direction" in kw and kw["direction"] in (self.left2right, self.top2bottom):
self.__direction = kw.pop("direction")

if "height" in kw:
self.__geometry[1] = kw["height"]

if "width" in kw:
self.__geometry[0] = kw["width"]

super().config(cnf, **kw)

def configure(self, cnf=None, **kw):
self.config(cnf, **kw)

// Применение
root = Tk()
gf = Gradient_frame(root, colors=("orange", "gray"), width=800, height=600)

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